Cover Articles
An updated list of publications may also be found on Google Scholar.
Requests for electronic copies of articles can be made by email to or through ResearchGate.
8. Axicon Lenses, Richard Oleschuk, Hans-Peter Loock, Kyle Bachus U.S. Patent No. 10,901,226, Filed: Aug 24, 2018, issued January 26, 2021. [link]. Canadian Patent Application No. 3,015,278, Filed: Aug 24, 2018 [link]
7. Multiplexed excitation emission matrix spectroscopy, Hans-Peter Loock, Oliver Reich, Nicholas L.P. Andrews U.S. Patent No. 10,481,092, Issued: Nov 19, 2019. [link] Canadian Patent No. 2,936,725, issued: April 26, 2022. [link] A summary of the patent is given in this pdf file [link]
6. Multiple Wavelength Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Hans-Peter Loock, Helen Waechter U.S. Patent No. 8,941,828, Filed: February 22, 2012, Issued: January 27, 2015, [link] Canadian Patent No. 2768946, Issued Jan 19, 2019 [link]
5. Optical Pickup for a Musical Instrument, Hans-Peter Loock, Scott W. Hopkins, Nicholas R. Trefiak, Jonathan Saari, Rui Resendes U.S. Patent Applictrion No. 2010 01 54620 A1, June 24, 2010, Filed: October 15th, 2008. [link] Canadian Application No. 2,682,878 [link]
4. Optical sensor using functionalized composite materials, Cathleen M. Crudden, Hans-Peter Loock, Steven E. Dickson, Jenny Du, Larbi M. S. Benhabib, R. Stephen Brown U.S. Patent No. 7,776,611 Filed: December 8th, 2006., Issued: August 17th, 2010. [link] Canadian Patent Application No. 2632524 [link]
3. Long period grating sensor methods and apparatus, Hans-Peter Loock, R. Stephen Brown, J. Barnes, N. Trefiak, Galina Nemova and Krista Laugesen U.S. Patent No. 7,391,942 Filed: June 6th, 2005, Issued: June 24th, 2008. [link] Japanese Patent No. 4,660,543 Filed: June 6th, 2005, Issued: January 7 th, 2011. Canadian Patent Application No. 2568843 [link]
2. Phase shift optical loop spectroscopy, Hans-Peter Loock, and Zhaoguo Tong U.S. Patent No. 7,483,598 Filed: March 15th, 2005, Issued: January 27th, 2009. [link] Canadian Patent Application No. 2500876 [link]
1. Optical loop ring-down Hans-Peter Loock, Stephen Brown, Igor Kozin, Zhaoguo Tong and Richard Oleschuk, U.S. Patent No. 6,842,548 Filed: May 29th, 2002, Issued: January 11th, 2005. [link] Canadian Patent Application No. 2386884 [link]
Publications in Refereed Journals:
NOTE: we included an updated spreadsheet and matlab script to determine the limit of detection from a linear calibration curve as described in reference 66 below.
111. Swapnil Daxini, Deniz Aydin, Arthur Giron, Jack Barnes, Xijia Gu, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Long-range strain sensing system using a frequency-locked π-shifted grating, Optics Express, 33, 3 (2025) 6039-6047.[link]
110. Adam R Bernicky, Boyd Davis, Milen Kadiyski, Hans-Peter Loock*, Mineralogical Analysis of Solid-Sample Flame Emission Spectra by Machine Learning, Analytical Chemistry, 96, 49 (2024) 19330–19338. [link]
109. Adam Bernicky, Boyd Davis, Hans-Peter Loock*, Coaxial burner system for solid-sample flame emission spectroscopy, Analytical Methods, 2024, 16 (43), 7325-7332 [link]
108. Sara Joulaei-Zonouz, Heather Wiebe, Chris Prüfert, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Twisted-internal charge transfer (TICT) state mechanisms may be less common than expected, New Journal of Chemistry 2024, 48, 4077–4087 [link]
107. Parimah Aminfar, Travis Ferguson, Emily Steele, Emerson M. MacNeil, María Francisca Matus, Sami Malola, Hannu Häkkinen, Paul N. Duchesne, Hans-Peter Loock and Kevin G. Stamplecoskie*, Accelerated size-focusing light activated synthesis of atomically precise fluorescent Au22(Lys–Cys–Lys)16 clusters, Nanoscale,16, (2024) 205-211 [link]
106. Travis Ferguson*, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Rapid Fluorescence EEM Spectroscopy Using Super-Cycle Hadamard-Transform Multiplexing, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95, 34, 12691–12700, [link]
105. Oren Katz, Travis Ferguson, Emma Abbey, Sarah-Johanna Klose, Chris Prüfert, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Fluorescence Excitation-Emission-Matrix Imaging, Analytical Chemistry 2023, 95, 34, 12631-12639, [link]
104. Adam Bernicky, Boyd Davis, Jack A. Barnes, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Spectroscopic characterisation of feedstock for copper smelters by machine-learning, Can. Metallurg. Quart., 63 , 2 (2023), 576-585 [link]
103. Deniz Aydin, Jack A. Barnes, and Hans-Peter Loock*, In-fiber interferometry sensors for refractive index, Appl. Phys. Rev. (2023) 10, 011307 [link]
102. Travis Ferguson, Adam Bernicky, Igor Kozin, and Hans-Peter Loock*, HPLC-Detector Based on Hadamard-Transform Fluorescence Excitation-Emission-Matrix Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 93, 23 (2021) 8116–8121, [link]
101. Emily R. Groper, Jack A. Barnes, Rory McEwen, Younès Messaddeq, Richard D. Oleschuk* and Hans-Peter Loock*, Fabrication and characterization of laser-heated, multiplexed electrospray emitter, Analyst, (2021), 146, 2834-2841 [link]
100. Adam Bernicky, Travis Ferguson, Sarah Denotter, Amanda Rigg, Hans-Peter Loock*, Simultaneous double-pass absorption and fluorescence EEM spectroscopy for measurements of reaction kinetics, Analytical Chemistry, 92, 18 (2020) 12489–12497 [link]
99. Zhe She*, Mina R. Narouz, Christene A. Smith, Amy MacLean, Hans-Peter Loock, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz* and Cathleen M. Crudden*, N-Heterocyclic carbene and thiol micropatterns enable the selective deposition and transfer of copper films, Chemical Communications, 56 (2020) 1275-1278. [link]
98. Scott Hopkins et al., Establishing a Canadian free-electron laser research program, Canadian Journal of Physics, 97, 12 (2019) VII-X. [link]
97. Si Jia Li, Jack A. Barnes, Purang Abolmaesumi, Parvin Mousavi, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Micro-vibrations underlying temporal enhanced ultrasound: The effect of scatterer size and elasticity, Journal of Applied Physics, 125, (2019), 164502. [link]
96. Hao Chen, John Saunders, Sogol Borjian, Xiaowei Wu, Cathleen M. Crudden, Dan-Xia Xu, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Tetrasulfide-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica on Nanowire Ring Resonators for Detection of Aqueous Lead, Pb(II), Advanced Sustainable Systems, 3, 1, (2019) 1800084.(cover article) [link]
95. Annica I. Freytag, Amy G. MacLean, Mahtab Abtahi, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock*, All fiber-optic viscosity, density, and temperature measurements of liquids using a photothermally actuated cantilever, Applied Physics B , 124 208 (2018) — [link].
94. Sijia Li, Apoorv Goyal, Purang Abolmaesumi, Parvin Mousavi, Hans-Peter Loock*, Broadband Vibration Detection in Tissue Phantoms Using a Fiber Fabry–Perot Cavity, Jack Barnes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65, 4 (2018), 921-927 [link]
93 John E. Saunders, Hao Chen, Chris Brauer, McGregor Clayton and Hans-Peter Loock*, Two distinct mechanisms upon absorption of volatile organic compounds into siloxane polymers, Soft Matter, 14 (2018) 2206-2218 (cover article) [link]
92. Nicholas L.P. Andrews, Travis Ferguson, Alana M. M. Rangaswamy, Adam Bernicky, Niklas Henning, Alexander Dudelzak, Oliver Reich, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock*. Hadamard-transform fluorescence excitation-emission-matrix spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 16 (2017) 8554-8564. [link]
91. Nicholas L.P. Andrews, James Z. Fan, Rebecka L. Forward, Mark Chen, Hans-Peter Loock*, Determination of the thermal, oxidative and photochemical degradation rates of scintillator liquid by fluorescence EEM spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19,1, (2017) 73-81. (cover article) [link]
90. Hans-Peter Loock*, Waveguide cavities for absorption detection of chemicals, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), (2017), [link]
89. Jack A Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock*, Application of coupled mode theory and coherent superposition theory to phase-shift measurements on optical microresonators, Nanotechnology, 27,42 (2016), 424004. [link]
88 Kyle Bachus, Elton Soares de Lima Filho, Kamila Wlodarczyk, Richard Oleschuk, Younes Messaddeq, Hans-Peter Loock*, Fabrication of axicon microlenses on capillaries and microstructured fibers by wet etching, Optics Express, 24,18 (2016) 20346-20358 [link]
87 Nicholas LP Andrews, Rachel Ross, Dorit Munzke, Camiel van Hoorn, Andrew Brzezinski, Jack A Barnes, Oliver Reich, Hans-Peter Loock*, In-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer for gas refractive index measurements based on a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, Optics Express, 24,13, (2016) 14086-14099 [link]
86. John E. Saunders, Connor Sanders, Hao Sean Chen, and Hans-Peter Loock*, The refractive index of common solvents and solutions at 1550 nm , Applied Optics 55 (4), (2016) 947-953 [link][supplementary material]
85 John E. Saunders, Hao Sean Chen, Chris Brauer, MacGregor Clayton, Weijian Chen, Jack A. Barnes, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Quantitative diffusion and swelling kinetic measurements using large-angle interferometric refractometry , Soft Matter 11 (45), 8746-8757 (2016) (cover article)[link]
84. Nicholas L.P. Andrews, James Z. Fan, Hanna Omrani, Alexander Dudelzak, Hans-Peter Loock*, Comparison of lubricant oil antioxidant analysis by fluorescence spectroscopy and linear sweep voltammetry , Tribol. Internat. 94 (2016) 279-287 [link]
83. Jeff Crouse, Hans-Peter Loock* and Natalie M. Cann*, The photoexcitation of crystalline ice and amorphous solid water: A molecular dynamics study of outcomes at 11 K and 125 K , J. Chem. Phys. 143 (2015) 034502 [link]
82. Amy G. MacLean, L. Tamina Schneider, Annica I. Freytag, Adam Gribble, Jack A. Barnes, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Cavity-enhanced photoacoustic detection using acoustic and fiber-optic resonators, Appl. Phys. B. 119, 1 (2015) 11-19 [link]
81. Saverio Avino, Anika Krause, Rosa Zullo, Antonio Giorgini, Pietro Malara, Paolo De Natale, Hans-Peter Loock, Gianluca Gagliardi*, Direct sensing in liquids using whispering-gallery-mode droplet resonators, Adv. Opt. Mat.2,12 (2014) (cover article) [link]
80. M.R. Foreman, S. Avino, R. Zullo, H.-P. Loock, F. Vollmer, G. Gagliardi*, Enhanced nanoparticle detection with liquid droplet resonators, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 223, (2014) 1971-1988 [link]
79. Jack A. Barnes, Gianluca Gagliardi, Hans-Peter Loock*, Absolute absorption cross-section measurements of a submonolayer film on a silica microresonator, Optica 1, 2 (2014) 75-83 (cover article) [link]
78. Nicholas L. P. Andrews, Amy G. MacLean, John E. Saunders, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock*, Mohammed Saad, Chenglai Jia, Kishor Ramaswamy, Lawrence R. Chen, Quantification of different water species in acetone using a NIR-triple-wavelength fiber laser, Opt. Exp. 22, 16 (2014) 19337-19347 [link]
77. Chenglai Jia, Kishor Ramaswamy, Lawrence Chen, Amy G. MacLean, Nicholas L.P. Andrews, John Saunders, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock, and M. Saad, Three-wavelength Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser and its applications in water detection, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, San Diego, CA, 2014, pp. 479-480. doi: 10.1109/IPCon.2014.6995457 [link]
76. Zhongqi Tan*, Kaiyong Yang, Xingwu Long, Yibo Zhang, Hans-Peter Loock*, Spatial coating inhomogeneity of highly reflective mirrors determined by cavity ringdown measurements, Appl. Opt. 53, 13 (2014) 2917-2923 [link]
75. Hengameh Omrani, Alexander E. Dudelzak, Bruce R. Hollebone, Hans-Peter Loock*, Assessment of the oxidative stability of lubricant oil using fiber-coupled fluorescence excitation-emission metrix spectroscopy, Anal. Chim. Acta. 811 (2014) 1-12 (feature article, front cover article) [link]
74. Nicholas L. Andrews, Jessica Litman, Daniel Stroh, Hans-Peter Loock*, Near-infrared absorption detection in picolitre liquid volumes using amplified fibre loop ring-down detection, Opt. Fiber Technol. 19, 6 (2013) 822 [link]
73. Raphael St-Gelais, Gillian Mackey, John Saunders, Jingjing Zhou, Antoine Leblanc-Hotte, Alexandre Poulin, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock, R. Stephen Brown, Yves-Alain Peter*, Gas sensing using polymer-functionalized deformable Fabry-Perot interferometers, Sens. & Act. B 182, (2013) 45 [link]
72. D. Munzke, J. Saunders, H. Omrani, O. Reich and H. P. Loock*, Fluorescence excitation emission matrix spectroscopy of strongly absorbing samples using fibre-optic probes, Proceedings of 2013 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO EUROPE/IQEC, Munich, 2013,
doi: 10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2013.6801231 [link]
71. Jack A. Barnes, Gianluca Gagliardi, Hans-Peter Loock*, Phase-shift cavity ring-down spectroscopy on a microsphere resonator by Rayleigh backscattering, Phys. Rev. A . 87, 5 (2013) 053843 [link]
70. Klaus Bescherer, Jack A. Barnes, Hans Peter Loock*, Absorption measurements in liquid core waveguides using cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Anal. Chem 85, 9 (2013) 4328 [link]
69. Weijian Chen, John E. Saunders, Jack A. Barnes, Scott S.-H. Yam, Hans-Peter Loock*, Monitoring of vapour uptake by refractive index and thickness measurements in thin films, Opt. Lett. 38, 3 (2013) 365 [link]
68. Klaus Bescherer, Dorit Munzke, Oliver Reich, Hans-Peter Loock*, Fabrication and modeling of multimode fiber lenses, Appl. Opt. 52, 4 (2013) B40-45 [link]
67. Dorit Munzke, John Saunders, Hengameh Omrani, Oliver Reich, Hans-Peter Loock*, Modeling of fiber optic fluorescence probes for strongly absorbing samples, Appl. Opt. 51, 26 (2012) 6343 [link]
66. Hans-Peter Loock*, Peter Wentzell, Detection limits of chemical sensors: Applications and misapplications,Sens Act. B, Chem 173 (2012) 157 [link], [supplementary material, spreadsheet] [supplementary material, spreadsheet with GUI] [link to matlab script]
65. Hengameh Omrani, Jack A. Barnes, Alexander E. Dudelzak, Hans-Peter Loock*, Helen Waechter, Fluorescence exitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy and cavity ring-down (CRD) absorption spectroscopy of oil-contaminated jet fuel using fiber-optic probes, Analyst 137, 12 (2012) 2782 (cover article) [link]
64. Saverio Avino, Jack A. Barnes, Gianluca Gagliardi, Xijia Gu, David Gutstein, James R. Mester, Costa Nicholaou, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Musical instrument pickup based on a laser locked to an optical fiber resonator, Opt. Exp. 19, 25 (2011), 25057. [link] , [Supplemental Material] [Audio File #1], [Audio File #2], [Audio File #3], [Audio File #4], [Audio File #5], [Audio File #6], [Audio File #7]
63. Hans-Peter Loock*, Jack A. Barnes, Klaus Bescherer, Andrew Brzezinski, Gianluca Gagliardi, Adam Gribble, Siegfried Janz, Ruben Ma, Dorit Munzke, Grant Ongo, John Saunders, Helen Waechter, Dan-Xia Xu*, Chemical microanalysis with cavity-enhanced optical waveguide devices, Proc. of SPIE 8332, (2012) 833204, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2011 [link]
62. John Saunders, Marian A. Dreher, Jack Barnes, Cathleen M. Crudden, Stephen Brown, Hans-Peter Loock, Dan-Xia Xu, Detection of volatile organic compounds with functionalized long-period gratings and micro-ring resonators, Proc. IEEE, 2011 ICO International Conference on Information Photonics. [link]
61. Helen Waechter, Dorit Munzke, Angela Jang, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Simultaneous and Continuous Multiple Wavelength Absorption Spectroscopy on Nanoliter Volumes Based on Frequency-Division Multiplexing Fiber-Loop Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Anal. Chem 83, 7 (2011) 2719. [link]
60. R. St-Gelais et al., A Fabry-Perot refractometer for chemical vapor sensing by solid-phase microextraction, Proc IEEE 16th International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 85-86. doi: 10.1109/OMEMS.2011.6031012 [link]
59. Hans-Peter Loock*, Expanded Definition of the Oxidation State, J. Chem Educ. 88, 3 (2011) 282. [link].
58. Jack Barnes, R. Stephen Brown, Adrienne H. Cheung, Marian A. Dreher, Gillian Mackey, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Chemical sensing using a polymer coated long-period fiber grating interrogated by ring-down spectroscopy, Sens Act. B, Chem 148, 1 (2010) 221 - 226. [link].
57. John Saunders, Marian A. Dreher, Jack Barnes, Cathleen M. Crudden, Jenny Du, Hans-Peter Loock*, Dan-Xia Xu, Adam Densmore, Rubin Ma, Siegfried Janz, Martin Vachon, Jean Lapointe, André Delâge, Jens Schmid, Pavel Cheben, Detection of lead contamination of water and VOC contamination of air using SOI micro-optical devices, Proc. IEEE 7th international conference group IV photonics Beijing 2010. [link].
56. Jenny Du, Judy Cipot-Wechsler, Jose M. Lobez, Hans-Peter Loock, Cathleen M. Crudden, Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica Films: Key Components of Fibre Optic-Based Heavy Metal Sensors, Small, 6, 11 (2010) 1168. [link].
55. Hans-Peter Loock*, Jack A. Barnes, Gianluca Gagliardi, Runkai Li, Richard D. Oleschuk, Helen Wächter, Absorption detection using optical waveguide cavities, Can. J. Chem, 88 (2010) 401. (cover article) [link].
54. Nicholas Ballard, Daniel Paz-Soldan, Peter Kung, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Musical instrument recordings made with a fiber Fabry-Pérot cavity: photonic guitar pickup, Applied Optics, 49, 11 (2010) 2198. [link].
53. Gianluca Gagliardi*, Mario Salza, Pietro Ferraro, Edmond Chehura, Ralph P. Tatam, Tarun K. Gangopadhyay, Nicholas Ballard, Daniel Paz-Soldan, Jack A. Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock, Timothy T.-Y. Lam, Jong H. Chow and Paolo De Natale, Optical Fiber Sensing Based on Reflection Laser Spectroscopy, Sensors, 10, 3 (2010) 1823. [link].
52. Helen Waechter, Jessica Litman, Adrienne H. Cheung, Jack A. Barnes and Hans-Peter Loock*, Chemical Sensing Using Fiber Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Sensors, 10, 3 (2010) 1716. [link].
51. Helen Waechter, Klaus Bescherer, Christoph J. Dürr, Richard D. Oleschuk, Hans-Peter Loock*, 405 nm Absorption Detection in Nanoliter Volumes, Anal. Chem. 81, 21 (2009) 9048. [link].
50. Hans-Peter Loock*, W. Scott Hopkins, Christine Morris-Blair, Rui Resendes, Jonathan Saari, and Nicholas R. Trefiak, Recording the sound of musical instruments with FBGs: the photonic pickup, Applied Optics, 48, 14 (2009) 2735 [link].
49. Tetsuya Hama, Masaaki Yokoyama, Akihiro Yabushita, Masahiro Kawasaki*, Piyumie Wickramasinghe, Wei Guo, Hans-Peter Loock, Michael N. R. Ashfold, and Colin Western, Translational and internal energy distributions of methyl and hydroxyl radicals produced by 157 nm photodissociation of amorphous solid methanol, J. Chem. Phys.,131, 22 (2009) 224512.[link]
48. Klaus. Bescherer, Jack. A. Barnes, S. Dias, Gianluca Gagliardi, Hans-Peter Loock*, Nicholas R. Trefiak, Helen Waechter and Scott Yam, Measurement of multi-exponential optical decay processes by phase-shift cavity ring-down, Appl. Phys. B: Laser and Optics, 96, 1 (2009) 193.[link].
47. Jack Barnes, Marian Dreher, Krista Plett, R. Stephen Brown, Cathleen M. Crudden and Hans-Peter Loock*, Chemical sensor based on a long-period fibre grating modified by a functionalized polydimethylsiloxane coating, The Analyst, 133 (2008) 1541 [link].
46. Qingxin Yang, Hans-Peter Loock*, Igor Kozin and David Pedersen, Fiber Bragg grating photoacoustic detector for liquid chromatography,The Analyst, 133 (2008) 1567 [link].
45. W. Scott Hopkins, Hans-Peter Loock*, Bríd Cronin, Michael G. D. Nix, Adam L. Devine, Richard N. Dixon, Michael N. R. Ashfold*, Hong-Ming Yin, Steven J. Rowling, Alexander Büll, and Scott H. Kable*, Quantitative (υ, N, Ka) Product State Distributions near the Triplet Threshold for the Reaction H2CO → H + HCO Measured by Rydberg Tagging and Laser-Induced Fluorescence, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 39 (2008) 9283 [link].
44. Jack A. Barnes, Benjamin Carver, James Fraser, Gianluca Gagliardi, Hans-Peter Loock*, Zhaobing Tian, Mark Wilson, Scott S-H Yam, Oksana Yastrubshak, Loss determination in microsphere resonators by phase-shift cavity ring-down measurements, Opt. Exp., 16, 17 (2008) 13158. [link]
43.. Jack A. Barnes, R. Stephen Brown, Judy Cipot-Wechsler, Cathleen M. Crudden, Jenny Du, Hans-Peter Loock*, Krista Plett, Long-Period Gratings in Chemical Sensing, Proc SPIE, 7099 (2008) 70992C-1. [link]
42. Akihiro Yabushita, Tetsuya Hama, Daisuke Iida, Noboru Kawanaka, Masahiro Kawasaki*, Naoki Watanabe, Michael N. R. Ashfold, Hans-Peter Loock, Measurements of energy partitioning in H2 formation by photolysis of amorphous water ice, Astrophys. J. Lett.. 682 (2008) L69. [link]
41. Zhaobing Tian, Scott S.-H. Yam*, Hans-Peter Loock*, Single-Mode Fiber Refractive Index Sensor Based on Core-Offset Attenuators, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 20, 16 (2008) 1387. [link]
40. Akihiro Yabushita, Noboru Kawanaka, Daisuke Iida, Tetsuya Hama, Masahiro Kawasaki*, Naoki Watanabe, Michael N. R. Ashfold*, Hans-Peter Loock*, Release of hydrogen molecules from the 157 nm photodissociation of amorphous solid water ice, J. Chem. Phys.,129, 4 (2008) 44501.[link]
39. Stephanie MacQuarrie, J. Hugh Horton, Jack Barnes, Kevin McEleney, Hans-Peter Loock and Cathleen M. Crudden*, Visual Observation of Redistribution and Dissolution of Palladium During the Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction, Angew. Chemie, Int. Ed. Engl. 47, 17 (2008) 3279. (cover article) [link]
38. Stephanie MacQuarrie, J. Hugh Horton, Jack Barnes, Kevin McEleney, Hans-Peter Loock and Cathleen M. Crudden*, Visuelle Beobachtung der Auflösung und Wiederablagerung von Palladium während der Suzuki-Miyaura Reaktion, Angew. Chemie, 120, 17, (2008) 3324. (cover article) [link]
37. Zhaobing Tian, Scott S.H. Yam, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Refractive index sensor based on an abrupt taper Michelson interferometer in a single-mode fiber Optics Letters, 33, 10, (2008) 3324. [link]
36. Zhaobing Tian, Scott S.H. Yam*, Jack Barnes, Wojtek Bock, Patrica Greig, James M. Fraser, Hans-Peter Loock, and Richard D. Oleschuk, Refractive Index Sensing With Mach–Zehnder Interferometer Based on Concatenating Two Single-Mode Fiber Tapers, IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett.. 20, 8 (2008) 626. [link]
35. Constantin Romanescu and Hans-Peter Loock*, Proton formation in 2+1 resonance enhanced multiphoton excitation of HCl and HBr via (W=0) Rydberg and ion-pair states, J. Chem. Phys., 127 (2007) 124304. [link]
34. W. Scott Hopkins and Hans-Peter Loock*, Bríd Cronin, Michael G.D. Nix, Adam L. Devine, Richard N. Dixon and Michael N.R. Ashfold*, State-selective photodissociation dynamics of formaldehyde: near threshold studies of the H + HCO product channel, J. Chem. Phys. 127 (2007) 64301. [link]
33. M. Andachi, T. Nakayama, Masahiro Kawasaki*, S. Kurokawa, Hans-Peter Loock, Fiber-optic ringdown spectroscopy using a picosecond tunable gain switched diode laser Appl. Phys. B 88, 1 (2007) 131. [link]
32. Qingxin Yang, Jack Barnes, Hans-Peter Loock*, David Pedersen, Time-resolved photoacoustic spectroscopy using Fiber Bragg grating acoustic transducers, Opt. Comm., 97–106. [link]
31. Jack Barnes, Olivia Chiu, James M. Fraser, Hans-Peter Loock, Richard D. Oleschuk, Chen Qian, Mark Wilson, Scott Yam, and Oksana Yastrubchak, Biochemical Signal Detection in Miniaturized Fluidic Systems by Integrated Microresonator, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (30 August - 3 September 2006) [link]
30. Runkai Li, Hans -Peter Loock*, Richard D. Oleschuk, Capillary Electrophoresis Absorption Detection using Fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Anal. Chem. 78, 16 (2006) 5685. [link]
29. Hans-Peter Loock* Ring-down absorption spectroscopy for analytical microdevices, TrAC- Trends Anal. Chem. 25, 7 (2006) 655. [link]
28. Constantin Romanescu and Hans-Peter Loock*, Photoelectron imaging following 2+1 multi-photon excitation of HBr Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8 (2006) 2940. [link]
27. Hans-Peter Loock*, Nicholas Trefiak, Richard Walford, Jack Barnes, Fiona Rask, Daniel G. Courtney, Runkai Li, Richard D. Oleschuk, Absorption measurements in microfluidic devices using ring-down spectroscopy Proc SPIE, 5969B-20 V. 2, Oct 12th (2005) [link]
26. Sergei Manzhos, Constantin Romanescu, Hans-Peter Loock*, and Jonathan Underwood, Two photon state selection and angular momentum polarization probed by velocity map imaging: application to H atom photofragment angular distributions from the photodissociation of two photon state selected HCl and HBr J. Chem Phys., 121, 23 (2004)11802 [link]
25. Zhaoguo Tong, Alexander Wright, Theresa McCormick and Hans-Peter Loock*, Phase-Shift Fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Anal. Chem, 76, 22 (2004); 6594-6599 [link]
24. Zhaoguo Tong, Alexander Wright, Theresa McCormick, Nick Trefiak, Jack Barnes, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Phase-Shift Fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy, in Proceedings of the Microanalysis Systems Symposium 2004, eds. Y. Baba and S. Shoji, p.446.
23. Michael Jakubinek, Zhaoguo Tong, Sergei Manzhos, Hans-Peter Loock *Configuration of Ring-Down Spectrometers for Maximum Sensitivity, Can. J. Chem., 82 (2004) 873. [link]
22. Sergei Manzhos and Hans-Peter Loock*, Photofragment Image Analysis Via Pattern Recognition, Rev. Sci. Instr.75, 7 (2004) 2435. [link]
21. Hans-Peter Loock, Sergei Manzhos*, Book Review: Light-Matter Interactions, Int. J. Quantum Chem., 98(4),(2004) 528. [link]
20. Constantin Romanescu, Sergei Manzhos, Dmitrii Boldovsky, Jennifer Clarke, and Hans-Peter Loock*,Superexcited state reconstruction of HCl using photoelectron and photoion imaging, J. Chem. Phys., 120, 2 (2004) 767.[link]
19. Zhaoguo Tong, Michael Jakubinek, Alexander Wright, Alison Gillies, Hans-Peter Loock*, Fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy: a sensitive absorption technique for small liquid samples, Rev. Sci. Inst.,74,11 (2003) 4818. [link]
18. Sergei Manzhos, Hans-Peter Loock*, Photofragment Image Analysis using the Onion-Peeling Algorithm, Comp. Phys. Comm., 154 (2003) 76. [pdf]
17. Sergei Manzhos, Hans-Peter Loock, Bernard Bakker and David Parker* Photodissociation of hydrogen iodide in the A-band region 273nm–288 nm. J. Chem. Phys., 117 (2002) 9347. [link]
16. Stephen Brown, Igor Kozin, Zhaoguo Tong, Richard Oleschuk, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 117, 23, (2002) 10444. [link]
15. Zhaoguo Tong, R. Stephen Brown, Hans-Peter Loock*, Richard D. Oleschuk Fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy for Enhanced Detection of Absorption with Limited Path Length, in Proc. Microanalysis Systems Symp. 2002, eds. Y. Baba and S. Shoji [pdf]
14. David Parker, Ralph Delmdahl, Bernard Bakker, and Hans-Peter Loock*, Photodissociation of HI in the A-band, J. Chin. Chem. Soc.48 (2001),327. [pdf]
13. Hans-Peter Loock, Bernard Bakker and David Parker*,Photodissociation of superexcited states of hydrogen iodide: A photofragment imaging study using resonant multiphoton excitation at 13.39 and 15.59 eV, Can. J. Phys. 79, (2001) 211-227. [pdf]
12. Colan Linton, Benoit Simard*, Hans Peter Loock, Sara Wallin, Gretchen K. Rothschopf, Robert F. Gunion, Michael D. Morse, and Peter B. Armentrout*, Rydberg and pulsed field ionization-zero electron kinetic energy spectra of YO, J. Chem. Phys., 111 (1999), 5017. [link]
11. Hans-Peter Loock, Leanne Beaty, and Benoit Simard*, Reassessment of the first ionization potentials of copper, silver, and gold, Phys. Rev. A, 59, (1999), 837. [pdf]
10. Hans-Peter Loock, Benoit Simard, Sara Wallin, and Colan Linton, Ionization Potentials and Bond Energies of TiO, ZrO, NbO, and MoO, J. Chem. Phys., 109, (1998), 8980. [link]
9. Hans-Peter Loock, Jianying Cao, Walter J.Balfour, Chi Zhu, and Charles X.W. Qian*, Spectroscopy and Dynamics Involving Interacting Electronic States, Proc. SPIE, 3271, May 1998, 47.
8. Hans-Peter Loock and Charles X. W. Qian*, Photodissociation studies on nitrosyl bromide: I. Photofragment spectroscopy and electronic structure, J. Chem. Phys., 108, (1998), 3178. [link]
7. Hans-Peter Loock, Benoit Simard, Attila Berces, and Colan Linton*, Laser spectroscopy of the à - X transition of ytterbium acetylide, J. Chem. Phys., 107, (1997), 2720.[link]
6. Benoit Simard, Paul I. Presunka, Hans-Peter Loock, Attila Berces, and Olli Launila*, Laser spectroscopy and density functional calculations on niobium monocarbide, J. Chem. Phys., 107, (1997), 307. [link]
5. Yifei Wang, Hans-Peter Loock, Jianying Cao and Charles X. W. Qian*, Atomic photofragment v-J-correlation: Photodissociation of Cl2 at 355 nm, J. Chem. Phys., 102, (1995), 808. [link]
4. Jianying Cao , Hans-Peter Loock and Charles X. W. Qian*, The nonadiabatic photodissociation of BrNO at 355 nm, (communication), J. Chem. Phys.,101, (1994), 3395. [link]
3. Jianying Cao, Hans-Peter Loock and Charles X. W. Qian*,"Non-adiabatic dissociation dynamics of BrCl, Can. J. Chem., 72, (1994), 758.[link]
2. Hans-Peter Loock, Jianying Cao and Charles X. W. Qian*, Vibrational modification of the spatial anisotropy parameter: A classical trajectory study, Chem. Phys. Lett., 206, (1993), 422.[link]
1. K. Guthier, P. Hebgen, H.-P. Loock and K. H. Homann*, Radical analysis in the Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons by Scavenging with Dimethyl Disulfide, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem, 97, (1993), 140.[link]
Published Book Chapters:
3. Saverio Avino, Antonio Giorgini, Paolo De Natale, Hans-Peter Loock, and Gianluca Gagliardi. Fiber-optic resonators for strain-acoustic sensing and chemical spectroscopy, in Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy and Sensing; 2013 Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-40002-5
2. Jack Barnes, Gianluca Gagliardi and Hans-Peter Loock. Cavity enhanced spectroscopy on silica microsphere resonators, in Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy and Sensing; 2013 Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-40002-5
1. Hans-Peter Loock. Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy using Waveguides, in Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy: Techniques and Applications; 2009 Wiley, ISBN 978-4051-7688-0
Other Publications:
6. Hans-Peter Loock, Fiber Optic Strain Sensors for Chemical and Acoustic Measurements, Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, July 2011. [link]
5. Nicholas Trefiak, Jack Barnes, Zhaoguo Tong, Runkai Li, Richard D. Oleschuk and Hans-Peter Loock, Optical Loss Measurements using photon Lifetimes in Optical Wave guides, Lasers and Electro-optics society (LEOS) newsletter IEEE, April 2005. [pdf]
4. Hans-Peter Loock, fiber-Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Lambda Highlights, April 2005.
3. Nicholas Trefiak, Zhaoguo Tong, Theresa McCormick, Jack Barnes, Runkai Li, Richard D. Oleschuk and Hans-Peter Loock, Phase-shift fibre-loop ring-down detection for capillary flow systems, PHOTONS, November 2004. [pdf]
2. Hans-Peter Loock, Sergei Manzhos, "Book Review: Light-Matter Interactions", Int. J. Quantum Chem., 98(4),(2004) 528.
1. Charles X.W. Qian and Hans-Peter Loock, "Probing State-to-State Molecular Dynamics", Physics in Canada / La Physique au Canada, 55 (5), 1999, 219. [pdf]
Non-adiabatic Photodissociation Dynamics of BrCl and BrNO, Dissertation, University of Victoria 1996
Eine Apparatur zur Untersuchung von Pyrolysereaktionen (An apparatus for Investigation of Pyrolysisreactions), Diploma-Thesis, TU Darmstadt, 1991.