Dr. Hans-Peter Loock, P.Eng.
Department of Chemistry
University of Victoria
Elliott Building, room 245
3800 Finnerty Rd
Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2
(250) 721 7062
ORCID: 0000-0002-5468-1572
2003 - P.Eng.; Licensed Professional Engineer
1996 - Ph.D., University of Victoria, B.C., Chemistry
1991 - Dipl.-Ing., Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Employment History
since 2020 Dean of Science and Professor, University of Victoria
2017 - 2019 Head of the Department of Chemistry, Queen's University
2016 - 2017 Interim Head of the Department of Chemistry, Queen's
2010 - Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Queen's
2005 - 2010 Associate Professor, Queen's
1999 - 2005 Assistant Professor, Queen's
1996 - 98 Canadian Government Laboratory Visiting Fellow; Spectroscopy Group at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, ON.
Honours and Awards
2018 Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada
2014 Fellow of the Optical Society of America
2009 W.A.E. McBryde Medal
2008 NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award
2006 JSPS Visiting Fellowship - Held at University of Kyoto
2006 Association oF Commonwealth Universities Gordon and Jean Southam Fellowship
2005 Smith Detection Award by the Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy
2004 Premier’s Research Excellence Award – Ontario
2003 Chancellors Research Award – Queen’s University
2003 IUPAC Travel Award – IUPAC
1996 - 1998 Visiting Fellowship in a Canadian Government Laboratory
1993 - 1996 University of Victoria Fellowship
1994 Howard Petch Award, UVic
1993 Lewis J. Clark Award, UVic
About Peter
UVic Bounce Podcast, “Waving, Not Drowning.” [link]
Op-Ed in The Province : "With COVID-19, put your trust in scientific scrutiny"
Interview for the May 2020 Faculty of Science Newsletter - Part I and Part II (youtube)