This code determines the limit of detection from experimental data in a linear calibration curve. See the following article for details:
Hans-Peter Loock and Peter D. Wentzell, Detection limits of chemical sensors: Applications and misapplications, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 173 (2012) 157–163,
% Created by: Arthur Giron Santos
% Date: June, 2022
% Created by: Arthur Giron Santos
% Date: June, 2022
% Version: 1.0
% Objective: to calculate the Limit of Detection of chemical sensors using the following data provided:
% x (concentration), y (signal), t (Student t-function) and k (number of replicate measurements).
% cite as:
% A.G. Santos, and H-P Loock (2022) Limit of Detection source code (Version 1.0) [Source code] <link_website>
% based on: Hans-Peter Loock and Peter D. Wentzell, Detection limits of chemical sensors: Applications and misapplications,
% Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 173 (2012) 157–163,
% In the code below we refer to equation numbers in Sens. Act. B: Chem, 173, (2012) 157–163.
% Sample data => replace those row vectors with your data
x = [1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100];
% y = [10.967044171877, 13.7266562041864, 21.6774325819587, 28.0501802939311, 36.0314926863133, 51.9667357806104, 55.1532263138279, 74.6573287557684, 71.9956136960292, 129.299736817629];
y= [0.948765056,2.868444736,9.156115413,10.93922882,29.1421891,35.21056678,47.19701892,78.89101104,71.86086959,88.32222164];
t = 3; % Value of Student T-function
k = 1; % number of replicates for each value
[LOD_1 LOD_2 LOD_3] = calculateLOD(x,y,t,k);
output = "LOD_1 = "+LOD_1+ " (dashed blue line; see equation (11)"
output = "LOD_2 = "+LOD_2+ " (solid black line; Currie and Svehla (1994); see equation (15)"
output = "LOD_3 = "+LOD_3+ " (dashed red line; should not be used)"
function [LOD_1 LOD_2 LOD_3] = calculateLOD(x,y,t,k)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate LOD
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Assuming that X and Y are ROW ARRAYS
n = length(x);
% perform linear regression
x_aux = ones(size(x',1),1); % auxiliary variable
x_aux = [x_aux x'];
% [c,~,~,~,stats] = regress(y',x_aux); % calculates: a (slope), b (intersept), R^2 (correlation coefficient)
c = polyfit(x,y,1);
a = c(1); % slope (=sensitivity)
b = c(2);
% R = stats(1);
% Calculate determinant in the denominator of equations (4) and (5)
sum_x = sum(x); % auxiliary variable
sum_x2 = sum(x.^2); % auxiliary variable
D = sum_x2*n - sum_x*sum_x; % equation (6)
d = zeros(1,length(x));
for i = 1:length(x) % numerator in (8)
d(i) = (y(i) - (a*x(i) + b))^2;
sigma_y = sqrt( sum(d)/(n-2) ); % equation (8)
aux = (n/D - ((abs(a)/t)/sigma_y)^2);
% given for completeness, but should not be used:
LOD_3 = t*sigma_y / a;
% LOD_2 from equation (11):
LOD_2 = (2/D)/aux * ( sum_x - sqrt( sum_x^2 - D^2 * aux * (sum_x2/D + 1/k) ) );
% LOD_3 determined from equation (15), which is derived from
% Currie and Svehla, Nomenclature for the presentation of results of chemicalanalysis, Pure and Applied Chemistry 66 (1994) 595–608
LOD_1 = 2*t*sigma_y / ( n * (t*sigma_y)^2 - D*a^2 ) * ( t*sigma_y*sum_x - sqrt(D*a^2 * sum_x2 + (a*D)^2) );
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
x_fit = zeros(1,length(x));
y_fit = zeros(1,length(x));
sigma_x = zeros(1,length(x)); % for ERROR BARS in x
MpC_x = zeros(1,length(x)); % mean_x + conf_x
MmC_x = zeros(1,length(x)); % mean_x - conf_x
MpS_x = zeros(1,length(x)); % mean_x + sigma_x
MmS_x = zeros(1,length(x)); % mean_x - sigma_x
y_fit = [y_fit, 0]; % "y_fit" needs an extra element for the plot
y_fit(1) = b;
for i = 1:length(x)
x_fit(i) = (y(i) - b)/a; % x-values of the fit line
sigma_x(i) = sigma_y/abs(a) * sqrt( 1/k + ( x_fit(i)^2 * n + sum_x2 - 2*x_fit(i)*sum_x )/D ); % equation (9)
MpC_x(i) = x_fit(i) + t*sigma_x(i);
MmC_x(i) = x_fit(i) - t*sigma_x(i);
MpS_x(i) = x_fit(i) + sigma_x(i);
MmS_x(i) = x_fit(i) - sigma_x(i);
y_fit(i+1) = a*x(i) + b;
%auxiliary variables
x0 = [0, x];
aux = b+a*LOD_2/2;
LOD3x = [0, LOD_3, LOD_3];
LOD3y = [aux, aux, 0];
LOD2x = [0, LOD_2, LOD_2];
LOD2y = [aux, aux, 0];
aux = b+a*LOD_1/2;
LOD1x = [0, LOD_1, LOD_1];
LOD1y = [aux, aux, 0];
f = figure;
f.Position = [10 10 960 540];
ylim([0 inf])
ax = gca;
ax.YAxisLocation = 'origin';
title('Limit of Detection')
txt={"LOD_1 = "+LOD_1+" (dashed blue line; eq'n [11]) ", "LOD_2 = "+LOD_2+ " (solid black line; eq'n [15])","LOD_3 = "+LOD_3+ " (dashed red line; don't use)"};
dim = [.6 .2 .1 .1];
hold on
yerr = zeros(1,length(x)) + sigma_y;
xerr = sigma_x;
%red line - linear fit
%blue lines - confidence intervals
%LOD points
hold off